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Competency 8. Apply Computer-Based Technologies and Media to the Solution of Instructional Problems 

Supporting Artifacts


Part A - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson - Driving Question, Learners, Context, and 21st Century Skills


Part C - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson Plan: Assessment Measures


Project E-learning Paper Prototype: Building Rapport 



To validate that I have the necessary requirements to meet this competency I have selected my final Project E-learning Paper Prototype: Building Rapport from EDCI 569 and Part A - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson - Driving Question, Learners, Context, and 21st Century Skills project and Part C - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson Plan: Assessment Measures for EDCI 568


  • Plans and designs effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology


SS Foundation is an accredited coaching company in the UK that offers personal and business coaching consulting. I became part of this foundation in 2011 when I finished my coaching program with them.  Early this year the CCO of the company call me interested to add to her coaching program an introductory online course in the fundamental skills of coaching for the new registered face-to-face coaching students in May 2017.


After evaluating results of previous coaching students’ interviews, we decided to create a lesson in Building Rapport, as part of communication skills included in the fundamental course offered for the Foundation.

The lesson was developed using Articulate Storyline 2 and it was delivered using Articulate Online LMS.  The lesson was divided in 5 different topics: Physical appearance, Body language, Voice emulation, Size of information and Common experience. (Check the flow chart of this artifact: ). Each topic was divided in 3 different activities: Absorb, Do and Connect activities, based on Horton (2012). To create this activities, I used additional software such Camtasia to build videos, Justinmind to design the module’s rapid prototype and layout and Gliffy to build the flow chart. Also, the module included assessment activities and its results for each topic. With all the practice and successful results within this module, I promised myself to learn more authoring tools and design software, to be prepare for projects like this in the future.  


  • Applies technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies


To address each topic, I built different assessments and evaluations. For example, to assess the first topic, “Physical Appearance”, I built a performance activity where the learner performed the steps to match a dress code and style of the coachee to build rapport. The learner makes decisions according to the video “Physical Appearance”, and he/she ranks which type of dress code gives the wearer the greatest degree of choice in a specific coaching situation. For the second topic, I built another performance activity where learners after analysis a coaching session, they could adopt coachee’s physical movements, facial expressions and postures. For the third topic, I created and audio aid to guide the learners into a coaching session. The four topic was assessed with a brunch scenario where the learners had the opportunity to choose a client, learned about his/her challenges and create a coaching solution. And for the fifth topic, I created a quiz with some tricky questions where the learner had the opportunity to select as an answer the best coaching alternative for a client. 


It was a robust project, but it provided me with good technical foundations, development and application. These achievements were my main goals developing this artifact.


  • Demonstrates understanding of social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology and applies it in practice


Parts A- Partnering Pedagogies Lesson - Driving Question, Learners, Context and 21st Century Skills Artifact and Part C - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson Plan: Assessment Measures for EDCI 568, provide information that demonstrate understanding of social, ethical, legal, and human issues thru the use of technology and applies it in practice.


Social: This project addressed with these artifacts, is about understanding compliance effectively to ensure that Houston Food Bank (HFB) employees have the necessary processes and learning elements in place to transform compliance from a boring subject to a social and beneficial practice. They describe a learning process as an integral part of the organization’s environment and illustrate the active social role in forming and maintaining a high productive, ethical and respectful workplace. Finally, employee safety is a top concern of HFB, and building a strong safety learning strategy shows employees that safety is a priority and motivate them to share its vision.


Ethical: Part C - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson Plan: Assessment Measures, shows how assessment and decision-making processes in the context of HFB practice were determined and implemented. These ethically appropriate interventions were consistent with the Huston Food Bank and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. As my obligation as a professional, this learning process was designed following the regulations and the code of ethics place in the Code of Professional Ethics by AECT.


Legal: This artifact demonstrates the application of different standards of compliance and safety used to approach an e-learning training. A meaningful legal view of the safety and compliance strategy will give employees the confidence they need to work and will increase efficiency and productivity. This compliance e-learning strategy provides training programs that cover a range of Huston Food Bank, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and food safety and grain based production capabilities.


Human Issues: These artifacts describe a practical use of learning methodologies and academic frameworks of human behavior that support a collaborative and sensitive occupational safety and health approach. Also, learners will interpret safety and compliance knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes, understanding about technology and how it can be used to achieve safety purposes or goals, the ability to value diversity and communicate effectively.





Horton, W. K. (2012). E-learning by design. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer


Tinoco-Giraldo, H. (2016). Part A - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson - Driving Question, Learners, Context, and 21st Century Skills


Tinoco-Giraldo, H. (2016). Part C - Partnering Pedagogies Lesson Plan: Assessment Measures


Tinoco-Giraldo, H. (2017). Project E-learning Paper Prototype: Building Rapport.

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