Competency 6. Participate Actively in the Profession
Supporting Artifact
Identifies and participates in communities of practice within the field of Educational Technology
To demonstrate that I have the necessary requirements to meet this competency I have selected three artifacts, the confirmation membership letter from The Association for Talent Development (ATD), the screen shot from my membership profile for the Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) and Marketing & Communications Committee Meeting Agenda for the 2017 ATD Conference.
The Association for Talent Development ATD chapter Houston, gave me the opportunity to do voluntary work with them and put into practice relevant ID activities to develop members’ career. Being part of this association, has been helping me to achieve a unique experience as the Event Marketing Director for the Houston chapter for 2 years.
This experience so far has been very useful and constructive. My team (Marketing & Communications) has been in charge of the Fall ATD Conference for 2016 and 2017. These conferences have been very meticulously planned, I have had good interaction with my team and supplementary opportunities to put my previous ID and management knowledge into good use. In addition to professional skills, I learned some extremely useful transferable skills, such as how to plan a conference.
AECT is designed to foster relationships and learning through collaboration.
Being part of this association, helped me to build relationships with ID students and professionals from other universities and communities. I have found this experience very significant and it helped me to build my professional skills and motivated me to better approach people in a professional environment. I know that being part of these associations will offer me great value of new knowledge and practicability and it will help me achieve my professional goals, such to help non-profits and small-businesses with ID and management issues.