Competency 5. Engage in Professional Development
Supporting Artifact
Demonstrates the disposition for life-long learning and continuous professional development
My journey to become a professional in LDT started when I completed my Instructional Design certification at University of California, Irvine (2015). My passion for design has led me to develop the disposition for life-long learning. Developing a passion for learning has driven me to explore new design software packages and become proficient in the use of them.
Since I became a member of Coursera, Lynda.com, TechTrends and other online learning resources, I have been taking additional certifications that complementing my design knowledge. I am proficient in the use of Camtasia, Storyline, Balsamiq and other design software. To demonstrate this competency, I have selected 3 artifacts.
These artifacts are the certification of completion of Storyline: advance techniques, Balsamic and Camtasia by Lynda.com. I feel very comfortable using these tools. For example, I have used all these tools to build my final project (paper prototype) for EDCI 569 Introduction to e-learning. To design the project’s layout, I used Balsamiq, to design the complete module I used Storyline 360 and I used Camtasia to build videos.
I have also developed the habit of reading ID articles at least twice per week, I’m part of the Instructional Design platform “Heroes” from Articulate and Facebook. My goal in demonstrating this competency is to develop additional routines and habits that make LDT part of my everyday learning experience. Therefore, these habits will foster the acquisition of new knowledge and skills that can help me prepare to respond to the ubiquitous changes in technology.
Tinoco-Giraldo, H. (2017). E-learning Paper Prototype: Building Rapport