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Competency 3. Communicate Knowledge 

Supporting Artifact


Video: Digital Jod Aid: NIE






To demonstrate that I have the necessary requirements to meet this competency I have selected  the Digital Job Aid for EDCI 566 (Education Applications of Multimedia). This artifact is a video aid that guide users step by step looking for information necessary to apply for a Foreigners’ Identification Number in Spain.


  • Communicates effectively in oral and written formats


This video job aid provides a complete picture and all the information required to apply for a NIE (Foreigners’ Identification Number) in Spain. This video aid includes animation slides, voice over, images and written information to enhance appreciation, communication and motivation of the learner. This is evidence of applying multimedia principles to the art of video creation.


The images and texts are associated with cue words in the narration. Some of the narration is in Spanish and some images and text appears in English to help learners to understand the translation of these cue words. The speaker guides learners to the necessary information with brief explanations that add an attractive communication effect. The video aid allows learners to understand the meaning of the NIE and its purpose. The written format is easy to follow and the vocabulary used in the entire video is simple and linked with transitional images and cue words.


Using and applying multimedia principles such the Modality Principle, Signaling principle and The Self-Explanation Principle in Multimedia Learning, helped to develop a powerful aid job. Also it has helped me to associate my academic knowledge with a real project, and understand what it is the real purpose of a job aid.


  • Effectively communicates content through the design and delivery of teaching/learning activities that integrate content and pedagogy


The content of this artifact was supported both written and narration, with specific images and didactic animation. The goal of this effectively way to communicate this content was to transfer a real message with real images and English narration. Also, it helped to eliminate the possibility of misunderstanding the learning message added. The video aid was focused on the needs and expectations of my audience (new property owner or a realtor agent in Spain). My knowledge about the lack of information from my audience got me some pedagogic advantage to build this job aid.  Also, finding out that my content will be used as a part of property agents’ academy resources provided me with a clear and adequate instructional plan to deliver my project. All this information, knowledge and experience provided a clear framework to build this artifact.

To build this artifact I used Camtasia and iRig Recorder. Using these tools, recognized my ability to communicate within my design and all the skills acquired learning these instructional tools. Building this artifact helped me to accomplished my goal “being a more effective communicator and understand myself as designer”.


  • Demonstrates the ability to adapt instruction and assessment techniques to the needs of diverse learners


When I was doing voluntary work for my town hall (Fuengirola, Spain), I saw how difficult was to find information about the NIE application process. The information was very limited and only in Spanish. Then, I decide to create this job aid in English for my project (EDCI 566) and donate it to my town as addition resource for its website.

Also this job aid was added as a digital resource for the Spanish Real Estate Commission program. My job aid was implemented into the “Buyer Representative for Foreigner Designation unit”, that is necessary to be licensed as a realtor in Spain. As a part of this unit, the learners need to learn to prepare the documentation for the Comisaría General de Extranjería y Documentación (Foreigner’s Documentation Department) and understand the necessary steps to get a NIE.

All realtors need to be accredited as a third party representative with a power of attorney to request a NIE for their clients. This job aid helps realtors to be updated with the NIE’s requirements and also it is a constantly reminder of these steps.

This job aid will be an easy guide to the new foreigner resident and non-resident property owners to be familiar with the NIE requirements. They will have online access everywhere directly for the town hall’s website.

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