Competency 1. Synthesize Knowledge
Supporting Artifact
Developing an online mentoring program
To demonstrate that I have the necessary requirements to meet this competency I have chosen my final paper for EDCI 513 (Foundations of Learning Design and Technology). As final project I wrote a paper titled “Developing an online mentoring program”. This document was the result of combining my previous knowledge in mentoring and coaching methodologies, the interpretation of this course readings and a practical opportunity to create a pedagogical solution.
Demonstrates ability to read and understand educational literature related to Educational Technology
I reviewed the documents assigned for this course to have a clear idea about the fundamental of learning design and technology. Then, I associated these lectures with my idea to build a mentoring program that integrates design and technology. A couple of years ago, I became a professional coach and mentor. As a goal for my career development, I wanted to build my own mentoring program. To achieve this, in 2011 I was approached by The Metro Centre Ltd. In London, to design and facilitate a program aimed at getting HIV+ gay and bisexual men who had “lost direction” into a “better and more positive place” of their choice. The course covered issues of equality, gender, racial, cultural and sexual orientation sensitivity, boundaries, empathy, etc. and was a base from which I took up for the challenge and developed my own mentor style with a natural insight to people’s expectations and apprehensions. This opened up the opportunity for me to design the online mentoring program for EDCI 513. There was a clear commitment to learning and merge practical and pedagogical knowledge acquired before with the final assignment for this course.
Additional to this, reading and understanding all the instructional documents assigned and supplementary resources such mentoring articles, coaching blogs and academic lectures, provided me a starting and necessary assets to construct my project. I believe that this paper has demonstrated my ability to comprehend literature related to educational technology and understand its meaning. And have the capability to translate it into this document. This particular artifact has enhanced my understanding of the mentoring practice and provided me with good opportunities to build learning relationship
Demonstrates ability to describe fundamental theories of human learning
The purpose developing an online mentoring program was to explore mentoring that uses 21st century technologies and its implications for learning. This final document paper also summarizes how mentoring, enabled by technology, supports the growth of the learner through the creation of informal partnerships with professional mentors. Also the paper illustrates dimensions of mentoring, benefits and components necessaries towards a successful learning process.
Applies knowledge of human learning, diversity, and effective pedagogy to solution of problems
A big strength of an online mentoring program is that can be done through using email or participating in some discussion forums (asynchronous tools). It helps to address time, geography and expenses issues founded in my research and interpretation of data and lectures. Applying this effective program, participants (mentors and mentorees) may also take a mentoring process through the use of synchronous communications tools such as Skype, Virtual Meeting Places, and social sites. This brings to mentor and mentoree different options in how they want to build their mentorship.
I believe this paper demonstrates my ability to apply effective pedagogy to help participants achieve productive learning that accomplishes mentoring goals. In the same way, demonstrates knowledge of human learning and diversity that support direction to participants, and understanding of the different components of this solution. For example, an online mentoring community was built for my local food bank, after I share this paper with them. Houston’s food Bank is the largest food bank in the US, with 3 different locations and with different programs designed for the community and for the employees. Connections Network is the online mentoring implemented to educate and empower local community members to actively embrace healthy choices that break destructive cycles.
Tinoco-Giraldo, H. (2016). Developing an online mentoring program